Wave Bye-Bye to Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy was extremely fun esp. in the first season. But now? OMG, it is so f*king stupid! Silly characters, rotating sex partner relationship, try to kill the main character who we all know would not die, revive the main character and kill her mother while letting them meet at an afterlife place and solve all their problems? That’s it, I would not put up with it any more.

Somebody said that, all these doctors seem so abnormal. Once they have something wrong in their lives, then they show the obsession of baking, sex and now shopping. What’s wrong with the writers? As one of the most popular show on TV, this is disgusting. If we look at Lost, even the Season 2 which was considered going downhill was 200% better than this. Although Lost seems religious, but for a medical show like GA, the only reason that seems reasonable for them to make it so religious lately is simply to cater 90% religious Americans.

So now, I’ll wave Bye-Bye to Grey’s Anatomy, at least for now. Save 1 hour every week.

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