Shows going down rapidly.

Grey’s Anatomy.
After the religious episode, I finally decided that I’ll stop from there.

Season three has a good beginning and it is getting worse. Especially when ABC promo that three biggest secrets will be revealed in episode 9 but nothing really happened. Let me quote someone who is really funny:

Build-up for the week – 3 Big secrets revealed – the magnitude of BIG is obviously misunderstood at ABC.

There were actually more “secrets” equally “big” revealed –
Sawyer and Kate arrive at the island in time for next week’s big reunion.
Jack went to Phuket.
The others have a “sheriff”.
Jack doesn’t know how to fly a kite, or even put one together.
Tom is dumber than a box of rocks.
All english-speakers on the islands suffer from anti-social tendencies that lead to incomplete verbal communications at all times (the disease?!?).
Jack is not a virgin.

On, Lost is getting the worst score ever.

Battlestar Galactica.
The relationship between Starbuck and Apollo basically ruined everything and the MOST unwanted plot line in this season. And recent episodes are just NOT FUN. And it is not just one episode or two, but a series of them! I don’t want to abandon another show.

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