Cho Seung-hui在高中的时候也被嘲笑

This blog entry is written in two languages. The title is:
Cho Seung-hui was laughed at in high school

“Go back to China!(滚回中国去)”,同学们喊到。His classmates yelled at him because he seemingly showed that his English is not good.

Most Americans would say that Cho is totally responsible for this tragedy and no one else should be blamed at all.

Americans argue that many kids were bullied, but they did not become a crazy killer. So bully is not the reason. But they would only discuss “bully”, they are reluctant to discuss the racism or something like that.

I read this on MITBBS posted by a Chinese who came to US since high school:

发信人: eeguy (lostsheep), 信区: Virginia
标 题: Re: 原来cho在高中经常被嘲笑,
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 20 07:31:09 2007)

当即被同班一个美国同学笑,”everyone got it except the chinese”

虽然没有”go back to china”之类的伤人
所以我理解cho seung-hui被长期侮辱而导致心理极度扭曲


I generally translate it to english as following:

Being laughed at when you are a kid is not a big deal, you’ll forget it when you grow up
But being laughed at in high school would leave a psychological shadow on your mind
I came to US since high school, the first Math class, teacher let us play a game
I never played so I did not know the rules, so I did not figure out
I was immediately laughed at by one American classmate, “everyone got it except the chinese”
The whole class laughed
My English was quite good at that time, I can understand them very clearly.

Although this is not as bad as “go back to china”
But I was very angry, and I will remember
So I understand Cho Seung-hui was humiliated for a long time and his mind was deranged
But this should not be the reason for killing, I believe his family has quite a bit responsibility, they did not take good care of him

I do not understand American say that Cho’s the today(dead and criminal) is solely because of himself.

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