Is America Really Making Progress?

Obama won. Not surprising. However, not a landslide win. I believe most people would believe Obama has a much bigger campaign and visibility. Yes, indeed. Obama spent at least twice the amount of money compared to McCain. That is, about 700 million US dollars. I believed Obama also had much more volunteers to work for him. Based on these, it is interesting that he had not won more votes.

So, about Obama. If any of the following is true: 1) he has spend half the amount of money 2) he is 100% black instead of 50% white 3) G. W. Bush had not made such a big mess, I think Obama would not have won. Interesting, again.

Black population in US is about 13%. There are also hispanic Black people who may consider themselves colored or black. About 90% of Black people probably voted for Obama. Think about that. That is about over 10% of total voters. That means, out of 52% popular votes, only about 41% are from non-black voters. In fact, these data suggest that Obama is in fact not popular among non-black people, and older people.

Many people see Obama’s win as a progress of America. But I do not entirely believe that. Although he is definitely a symbol that black people are becoming more equal to white, it does not suggest racism is gone. In fact, Obama beating Hillary could suggest that women are still discriminated, and black people not voting fairly. If Hillary was a white man, it could be that Obama would not be able to become DEM nominee. Anyway. It seems Obama’s win is itself a symbol of racism. Because he probably would not have won if he is 100% black. His win suggest, together with the trend of popular black celebrities, that white people judge by appearance, still.

Now I also have to talk about human rights. California, Arizona, and Florida banned same-sex marriage. In fact, they wrote discrimination into state constitution. Oh yes, Obama is against same-sex marriage. And exit poll says, majority of black voters in CA vote for prop 8. And

Among the more unusual measures on this year’s ballots was one in Florida that would repeal an old clause in the state constitution that allows legislators to bar Asian immigrants from owning land. The repeal would be symbolic, as equal protection laws would prevent lawmakers from applying the ban. With 78 percent of precincts reporting just before 11 p.m. Tuesday, the vote was close, with 52 percent voting to preserve the clause.

Well I am not going to say too much more. You judge.

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