If the data is true, Americans already believe in socialism

I heard about this a while ago, but this video illustrated it well. Basically, based on a Harvard survey, Americans are way too optimistic about how the wealth is distributed in this country. This is not surprising to me, because I have long felt many Americans have an illusion that they are richer than they really are.

The video is good, but I have to point out that socialism is not equal pay across the board. Socialism, in my opinion, is actually what the “ideal chart” shown. In that sense, Americans probably already believe in socialism. But the socialism is such a demonized word in the US that the meaning is distorted. The more hard working and more value your work creates, you get paid more, but not ridiculously more. I think, if the highest paid 10% are paid 10-50X more than the lowest paid 10%, then it is still very close to a fair socialism wealth distribution, if not already socialism. Truth is, such wealth distribution will never happen if the government don’t intervene. And in a democracy, a real democracy, where people’s morality and conscience rules, the actual wealth distribution should be something similar to American ideal.

What about China, the “communist” country? In Chinese education (not sure about nowadays), socialism wealth distribution, is by amount of work you did; more pay for more work. Also, in China, socialism meant that it is a process towards communism (which is an Utopia), and poverty is first eliminated in the process. Practically, I think it should be to limit poverty rate to less than 10%, similar to unemployment rate. It is wrong for anyone with a proper job to be in poverty. And if the distribution is like “ideal”, a flat tax rate for all would also be more fair and simple.

Also, why did he single out cleaning people? Their work is low value but they can be working “hard” too.

1 comment

  1. Here you go, GOP controlled house pass resolution to condemn all forms of socialism.

    “The resolution overwhelmingly cleared the chamber in a 328-86-14 vote. The majority of Democrats — 109 of them — voted with all Republicans for the resolution, while 86 voted against it and 14 voted “present.””


    Some argue this will alienate socialist parties of US allies.

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