Gran Torino再现美国亚裔stereotype

Clint Eastwood的亚裔笑话和stereotype情节逗得美国白人哈哈大笑。而且所谓亚裔男一号,也是被极度feminize。非常Passive,在家里也是姐姐掌权,缺乏父爱,没有父亲role model,最后要靠白人老头教他如何talk like a man。还反复描写亚裔男一号女生都不会泡,还必须白人老男人来教他如何追女生。 完全fit in传统好莱坞对亚裔的描写。故事主人公是Clint Eastwood扮演的参加过朝鲜战争的老兵,讲述他的心理历程。放在这个亚裔社区作为背景,不知道到底是什么用意。一号亚裔家庭也是一个没有任何成年男子当家的女性家庭:没父亲,没祖父。一号亚裔家庭里的亚裔mm和一个白人男生交往。这个白人男生也比较弱,算是稍微平衡了一下。最后亚裔mm被亲戚带头的gangsters打得破相:在白人文化里,打女人也是极恶的。 亚裔年轻人开party的时候,亚裔男一号也是nerd形象,其实从头到尾都很nerd。好莱坞是生怕亚裔男的nerd形象得不到巩固啊。

Netflix and Blockbuster are in trouble because of iTunes

Today Apple announced that they have sold 5 billion songs. And now they sell or rent over 50,000 movies per day. A while ago it is said that Netflix has 8 million subscribers. I believe many of those subscribers are not subscribed to unlimited plan. So a conservative estimation is, every customer rents 3 movies… Continue reading Netflix and Blockbuster are in trouble because of iTunes