Ignorant American people (talking in politics)

People discuss politics on Digg.com. Most of them are Americans. While as far as I know, many people who are not from America, claim that Americans basically know nothing but their own country, it is interesting to see some ignorant Americans talk about other countries.

I chat with a few people from China on skype.

They believe Tibet and Taiwan have always been a part of China.

China never invaded Tibet.

Their prespective on Taiwan is that the US has military bases all around China and if Taiwan were independent we would put a base there, completely surrounding them.

They can get almost any DVD for $1. (Unless the movie is banned in China.- Seven Years in Tibet is banned, but they can get the sound track.)

Culturally they are very conservative: no sex ed classes, no sex before marriage, homosexuality is wrong, it’s wrong for women to drink or smoke, etc.

They don’t know anything about Tiananmen Square or the Cultural Revolution.

The sad thing is they claim to know China and Chinese people, because they “talked to Chinese on Skype”. So many more Americans and so on will believe them. Such stupid posts can get a lot of digg, while true stories will not get many digg because those people tends to believe anything that is telling them that China is evil. And now, ignorance is infectious.

I understand that this blog might bother some Americans. Actually I am also deeply bothered by so many misunderstandings Americans have. And I feel obligated to help them understand China better.

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