
1. 种族主义言论,比如对伊朗人的打击.

2. 机器人设计过于繁琐,这个在预告片出来的时候大家就质疑了.看了片子,每次Optimum prime给我眨眼睛我就受不了.那么多零件,太容易打坏了.

3. 居然有人夸奖Shia LaBeouf的演技?有没有搞错,没有见过真的有演技的吗??影片里面基本上大喊”NONONONONOOOO”不知道多少次.类似的叫喊语气也是滥用,从他老爸搞他开到Porche那里开始…

4. 搞笑有余,战斗不足,更无个性展现.确实除了Bumblebee和Frenzy其他机器人都毫无个性体现.Optimus Prime的主旋律演讲让人无语.Optimus Prime践踏花园更是多此一举,对于老大哥的个性体现没有丝毫正面意义. Quote “we see the robots destroy Shia’s family’s back yard (in a scene that goes on and on and on at painfullength)”.

5. “女主角”就是该片庸俗制片的罪恶代表.Quote “Not enough sex in the robot movie? Dress the teenage love-interest like a hooker and have the camera linger on her overly tan torso!” 当然此女确实算是Hottie,但是她对此片毫无真正贡献.不能因为是Hottie就成为艺术成就,想必大家都明白.

6. Bay has no discipline, no style, no concern for story, no sense of rhythm. He just piles on and plows ahead: big, dumb and loud. –qote again, nd I think it make sense. I felt no rhythm and all chaos through out the movie. Sometimes it is fun, but overall it is not too much fun, or not quite enjoyable. 故事情节太散,太多subplot,典型传说中的MB的不重视剧情的病症.就连小孩对老妈说”Mom, that’s cool!”都显得好老好老毫无新意完全predictable.

7. Sound engineers or the director made some bad choice. 机器人运动的音效实在让我难以忍受.特别是frenzy移动变形的时候.太别扭.一方面要体现它能够spy,一方面还要发出这么多”声音”而且别人还听不到…errr… what’s their problem??

8. Bottom line, there are things to enjoy in the movie. I had fun, but maybe half the fun I was expecting. Transformers is a disappointing movie. If everything they say about Michael Bay is true, I wish I had the right to vote for director.

Overall Rating from me C-, dissappointing, equal to something like 45/100.



Pixar做动物,做人物,都是研究得很透彻,整个活灵活现,非常有灵气(形成鲜明对比的是比如monster house之类的动画片).



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