Why there is no freedom of the press in the United States.

Oh, yes, there is freedom of press in the United States. It is just biased or has double standard.

CNN is the main news source of many American people. However it cannot provide you a complete view of the world. I will demonstrate this point with these following:

1. Let’s take a look at CNN’s RSS feed for World news. OK. I have 161 items of the most recent news feeds from CNN. Let’s see how many of them has anything to do with the key word “China”. 4. How about “Iraq”? 23. What’s more, there is nothing for “Japan”, nothing for”German”, nothing for “Korea”, nothing for “Sweden”, nothing for “Greece” 1 for “Australia”, 4 for “Canada”. However we can find 17 of “France” and 15 of “India”. Almost all the items about India are talking about bomb. And you can imagine what the the items for France ara about: riot. So can we expect Americans and those who read CNN for their news get a good idea about what is going on in this world? NO. And talking about Iraq, which was invaded by United States, is not not really a country. It can be considered part of United States now so the 23 items about Iraq is actually about United States’ affairs.

2. CNN will never have a positive report on protest against President Bush. And actually, what did they say:

Americas summit protest turns violent.

MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (CNN) — Protesters set a building on fire and threw objects at police in the streets of this resort city as the leaders of 34 nations met at the fourth Summit of the Americas.

Although it reported things like they are burning down US flags, “soccer legend Diego Maradona also participated in the protest, wearing a T-shirt accusing Bush of war crimes”, but this report failed to talk about in-depth why they are protesting. And “Chavez, a left-leaning populist, routinely denounces Bush as ‘Mr. Danger’ and refers to the United States as ‘the Empire.’ U.S. officials consider him to be a source of instability in the hemisphere“. And personally I find the bold part really disturbing.

3. CNN gave reports about China with very limited information. What they love to talk about is Tibet freedom, Taiwan problem and human rights issues. However without a better context which is required for a man who is able to think before accepting what he is told, nobody will really know what is going on in China and they don’t even know any history about all kinds of problems. All they can do is do accuse China to “invade” Tibet and trying to attack Taiwan which “is an independent country” ever since. Well, this is definitely not FREEDOM OF PRESS. How can a society in which not every voice can be heard called FREE? Funny, that is what they call China.

OK I don’t want to be too long again, but there are even more evidence I can provide to show there is no freedom of the press in the United States. Maybe you can hear all kinds of reports within United States, however when talking about other countries, they are totally blinded.


“Hu wants to at least get the arms embargo to be lifted against China. We’re lobbying the British and the European governments not to let him succeed because China’s human record has not improved at all,” Shu said.

Just one thing. Chinese people’s life has always been changing towards a better stage. Human rights in China has never been better in the entire China history. And what this Shu wants is only to restrict China, and make Chinese people’s life suffer, “hoping” Chinese people can have better human rights (without living better).

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