Sharon Stone’s Cold Blooded Comments on Sichuan Earthquake

She is such a b*tch. You know, then, when you think about what kind of friends Dalai Lama has… 知道她是达赖的好便宜,但是,是好朋友也不代表道德可以败坏到这种程度,个人素质可以低到如此让人发指。She said she was going to cry? WOW. Honestly, when I heard what she said, I felt like I was going to cry. I was simply too sad to see celebrities so morally degraded and deranged.… Continue reading Sharon Stone’s Cold Blooded Comments on Sichuan Earthquake

US Media Think 30-people Neo-Nazi Rally More Important Than 500-people Chinese Rally in Washington DC

Yesterday, over 500 hundred Chinese people, citizen of China and also United States, held a rally at the Capital Hill in Washington DC. The spot assigned to them was Upper Senate Park, a place very few people would walk pass by. It was a peaceful 4-hour long rally. No major US media reported this rally,… Continue reading US Media Think 30-people Neo-Nazi Rally More Important Than 500-people Chinese Rally in Washington DC

US Media Labeling Chinese protesters pro-Chinese government

After China and Chinese Americans and Chinese legal immigrants and students in the US demanded apology from CNN and Jack Cafferty for his comments. Yesterday many Chinese Americans and Chinese people protested in Los Angles. However, the US media tried to label those Chinese people as pro-Chinese government, because Jack Cafferty called “Chinese government goons… Continue reading US Media Labeling Chinese protesters pro-Chinese government


Duke校报一直是站在中国人的反面。因为王千源自称因为自己隐私信息被曝光,上了中国政府黑名单,如果她要为自己的安全考虑,她将无法再回中国,如果她回国,可能会被终生监禁。 看样子绿卡是拿到了,恐怕帮父母把绿卡也拿到了。中国学生会还被Duke各大学生会谴责,并且被要求接触学生组织的地位。以下是来自Duke校报The Chronicle。 “I think this is one of the turning points of Chinese history, and I want to be part of it,” she said, emphasizing that she does not support Tibetan independence. The student said there have also been consequences for her actions in China. “I know that I am on the Chinese government… Continue reading 拿政治绿卡的要搞倒杜克中国学生会